Tuesday 28 July 2009

A first time for everything

As a self-declared RSS feed and social networking/media addict, I thought it was about time to move on from commenting and start posting.

[Insert appropriate Stephen Fry-esque classical aphorism - sadly I lack the capacity to pull one straight from my head]

Whilst I do have some idea what this blog is going to be about (sustainability, technology, humour and life), to say I have a clear direction would be a lie. In this way, I feel this blog may mirror my life in general full of the random interest that taunts a wannabe polymath (a word I learnt only last week). As such, a process of evolution towards order in thought and action is something I hope to achieve in both the virtual and real worlds.

What is lacking in direction will, I promise, be made up for with substance and passion; hopefully without straying into the realms of troll-ish negativity, blind preaching or pure vanity.

Unfortunately, this does guarantee removal of all typographical, grammatical or spelling errors. I am about 40% engineer after all.